
Showing posts from October, 2019

Camerawork Analysis 1) Three Camera shots - In the opening of the trailer, it showed two establishing shots. From the shots we can tell that it has some magic involved and it is mythical. We can see the two shots by the route the bird is flying by. - The close-up shot of the creatures face shows seriousness and with some light on the creatures face with the sinster look makes it more dramatic. The effect on te audience is that it creates dramatic tension and suspicion as by the face as it shows a mixture of feelings like intensitiy and terror. - At 1.04 there was an extreme close-up. The shot extremely emphasises that the way her eyes didnt blink and shows that dark power will overcome her natural instinct.This creates a strong effect on the audience as her eyes turn green in a fast pace the audience would already know that something unexpected and something traumatising is going to happen. 2) Two Angles 1)  At 0.39 there was low angle. A low angle sh

Blog Feedback and Learner Response

SIVASENTHILNATHAN, Rakshana Full Name Introductory 10 Qs Key Concepts analysis Fruit bowl posted Denotation & Connotation x2 SIVASENTHILNATHAN, Rakshana AP AP AP Post this in a new blogpost on your Media blog called ‘Blog feedback and Learner Response’ then complete the LR tasks/questions below. WWW: You’ve made a superb start in Media – three achievement points in your first four pieces of work is brilliant (and I don’t give achievement points out too easily!) Your Photoshop fruit bowl is creative and has a strong design to it and your connotation analysis of the Adidas advert is excellent (it’s always great to see much more detail on the connotation rather than the denotation). There’s a lot to build on here and we should definitely be aiming for that 7+ grade! EBI: We will need to work on representation analysis – this will be covered around Christmas in the ‘Introduction to Media’ unit so we can r

Camerawork - photo storyboard

This is an over the shoulder shot.This will show the people the character's point of viewand we the audience can see their point of view by the facial expression in the mirror, in this case. This is an unusual perspective. As the people or public around you are too eager to find out what is happening. This also shows something dangerous is going to happen. This will be a surprise to the audience. This is an high angle. In this situation, the bully looks evil, powerful and sinster however the the victim doesn't know what she is about to do to her. This ia an low angle. This is to show how weak and beaten the victim is in reality. This is a medium shot. This will show the audience how abusive the bullies are and how much pain the the victim is at this point. also, this will show the audience the facial expression of the victim and will show the audience how the victim fells so it will create an effect. This is an estabilishing shot. This introduces t

Mise-en-scéne Stranger Things Analysis

Lighting The use of really dull colours in the first few minutes shows that evil is seeking te characters and it will make it more frightening for the audience if they based the incident at night. In the beginning of Stranger Things, a person in the laboratory is running across the corrider and whilst he is running dimming lights are being shown. This give an anticipation to the audience and the audience will already know that something bad is going to actor. Actor placement / movement The actors' movement were really fast and rapid. This will show the audience they are in fear and are trying to rescue themselves from the creature they are running away from. The audience couldn't see or know what the actors were afraid of. However, becuase of the actor's sudden reaction and their facial expression the audience was already notified that there was really frightened by the thing they saw. Setting In the first few minutes of stranger things, most of the scenes were based