
Showing posts from December, 2020

Daily Mirror (representation/industries)

Representation 1) How does the Daily Mirror represent the Conservative Party and its MPs? Look at the double-page spread politics story. The daily mirror represents the Labour party and the MPs by telling the roles and the impact the roles give to prime ministers and to the audience. This will help the audience what to pick for the election.  2) How does the Daily Mirror represent the Labour Party and its MPs.  The daily mirror represent the labour party and the prime minister as powerful and the worth of winning the few year and they are giving information to the audience.  3) How does the Daily Mirror represent Teresa May and Jeremy Corbyn as political leaders?  The daily mirror newspaper represents Teresa may and Jeremy corbyn as political leaders because they are loyal to the party; also they have a good connection with they audience meaning they will sympathise with the audience, which may be an advantage of manipulation. The newspaper represents them as good leaders and they have

learner response

  Mark = 21 Grade = 4  WWW: This is a solid assessment, up 7% on last one and Q1.2 is superb. The challenge now is learning from this and developing that top-level consistency across every question. EBI: - Revise Reception theory        - For Q1.3 you MUST focus on the clip shown in the exam. You also need to             focus on the question: here it is about the 'modern audience'.        - Was timing an issue fro Q2? You need a lot more for the 20 mark essay.               Revise industries contexts for Doctor Who  and Class Q1 - 1/2 Q2- 8/8 Q3 - 5/12 Q4- 7/20  2) Write a definition for a   preferred reading  to make sure you know this terminology.  Preferred reading is when the audience take in the product the way the producers wanted them to. 3) Write a list of any narrative the ories that you DIDN'T use for your answer to question 1.2.  I used all 4 theories: Todorov's theory, Propp's theory, Barthes theory and binary opposition which is Levi strauss. 4) Write 

Daily Mirror case study

Language 1) Write the definition of the following key language for newspaper front pages: Masthead :the title block of the newspaper Incentive : no incentive on this paper Pug :something to catch reader`s eye Splash Head :the lead story Slogan : supermom those of newspaper Dateline :the date the newspaper was published Kicker :story out to oaf paper at draw interest in content. Byline :gives the game of article writer Stand first : introductory paragraph usually in bold 2) How much does a copy of the Daily Mirror cost? the daily mirror cost £0.80p. which suggests that the newspaper is cheap and fordable. 3) What are the main stories on the CSP edition of the Daily Mirror (see above)? the main stories on the daily mirror are the man who aggressively abuse the partner & gossip about royal family 4) Why is the choice of news story on the CSP front page typical of a tabloid newspaper?   the daily mirror choose tabloid newspaper that has small pages and short articles and have lots of p

Learner response

Mark = 18/42   Grade= 3 WWW - This is a mixed picture: your narrative answer (1.2) is superb and secures full marks. If you can develop your exam technique for paper 2 to consistently hit that standard you will be in a great place. EBI - Note taking : you need to have notes for both 1.2 and 1.3! (In fact, 1.3 is even more important as it is 12 marks. - Revise intertexuality and audience theory. - In Q2, you make some good points but need to plan and organise your essay to make sure you focus on the question. Start with a clear introduction that answers the question and then perhaps have paragraphs for each CSP - making sure you offer specific examples from both. 2) Intertexulaity - when a media text references to another another media types. 3) -Todorov's theory - propps' theory - enigma + action codes 4) Personal relationships - personal identity - diversion, escapism and entertainment  -surveillance 5) paragraph 1: brief answer to the question paragraph 2 : doctor who  paragr