Blog Feedback and Learner Response

Full Name
Introductory 10 Qs
Key Concepts analysis
Fruit bowl posted
Denotation & Connotation x2


Post this in a new blogpost on your Media blog called ‘Blog feedback and Learner Response’ then complete the LR tasks/questions below.

WWW: You’ve made a superb start in Media – three achievement points in your first four pieces of work is brilliant (and I don’t give achievement points out too easily!) Your Photoshop fruit bowl is creative and has a strong design to it and your connotation analysis of the Adidas advert is excellent (it’s always great to see much more detail on the connotation rather than the denotation). There’s a lot to build on here and we should definitely be aiming for that 7+ grade!

EBI: We will need to work on representation analysis – this will be covered around Christmas in the ‘Introduction to Media’ unit so we can return to it then. For the Brave film poster there’s lots we could say about the representation of women by having a strong girl as the star but we’ll come back to that later in the course. You also need to keep an eye on written English. You need to treat your blog as you would an exercise book – this means correct titles, using capital letters and writing in full sentences. In your first blog task there is a ‘u’ and lots of ‘i’ – cut this out!

LR: Reflect on your first month of Media. What do you feel is your strongest piece of work so far? What is your weakest? What specific skills or knowledge do you need to develop over the rest of the course? How can you improve the depth and detail of your media analysis?

I have finished my EBI in my previous Blogs. I can improve my media analysis by looking at the image in depth and use inferenece to refer to what kind of target audience to media companies are trying ot aim for. In the first month of media, I find it really interesting. In my opinion, I actually that media had so many different reasons for why the do that for example they do a over the shoulder short to show a conversation a the character perspective, but I just thought they did it so the scene would look good. Now, whenever I watch something on Youtube I identify the techniques that I learnt and it is really annoying but I learn more. During the rest of the course, I would like to know how to edit Youtube videos and to shoot a video and post it.


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