Learner response

Mark = 18/42  
Grade= 3

WWW - This is a mixed picture: your narrative answer (1.2) is superb and secures full marks. If you can develop your exam technique for paper 2 to consistently hit that standard you will be in a great place.

EBI - Note taking : you need to have notes for both 1.2 and 1.3! (In fact, 1.3 is even more important as it is 12 marks.
- Revise intertexuality and audience theory.
- In Q2, you make some good points but need to plan and organise your essay to make sure you focus on the question. Start with a clear introduction that answers the question and then perhaps have paragraphs for each CSP - making sure you offer specific examples from both.

2) Intertexulaity - when a media text references to another another media types.

3) -Todorov's theory
- propps' theory
- enigma + action codes

4) Personal relationships
- personal identity
- diversion, escapism and entertainment 

5) paragraph 1: brief answer to the question
paragraph 2 : doctor who 
paragraph 3 : class
paragraph 4 : both with similarities 


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