learner response

 Mark = 21
Grade = 4 

WWW: This is a solid assessment, up 7% on last one and Q1.2 is superb. The challenge now is learning from this and developing that top-level consistency across every question.

EBI: - Revise Reception theory
       - For Q1.3 you MUST focus on the clip shown in the exam. You also need to             focus on the question: here it is about the 'modern audience'.
       - Was timing an issue fro Q2? You need a lot more for the 20 mark essay.               Revise industries contexts for Doctor Who  and Class
Q1 - 1/2
Q2- 8/8
Q3 - 5/12
Q4- 7/20 

2) Write a definition for a preferred reading to make sure you know this terminology. 
Preferred reading is when the audience take in the product the way the producers wanted them to.

3) Write a list of any narrative the ories that you DIDN'T use for your answer to question 1.2. 
I used all 4 theories: Todorov's theory, Propp's theory, Barthes theory and binary opposition which is Levi strauss.

4) Write three ways in which a modern audience might respond differently to Doctor Who: An Unearthly Child compared to an audience at the time.
12 marker: 
Introduction -  brief answer to the question/ statement 
The modern audience would visualise the episode and have a contradicting reaction t o the original audience is 1963.

1st paragraph - Camerawork
The camerawork in 1963 was very slow paced. Also the screening is in black and white.the extract has transitions of fast cuts to perhaps indicate the dramatic tension built up during that specific scene, still trying to investigate the mysterious disappearance of Susan foreman . 

2nd paragraph - the representation of the Doctor/ The Grand father
The Doctor is presented as a god-like presence and can travel through time to make history right. The Doctor is presented as a dramatic, villain, possible kidnapper and unpleasant. However, in the modern series he is presented as a heroic and friendly person.

3rd paragraph - representation of Barbara Wright
In this extract, Ian Chesterton takes lead to reinforce the male stereotypes of being dominant and more superior. The modern audience would have seen is it as sexist and in 1963 the society would have seen women are more inferior than men. 

5) Write a plan for question 2 in the assessment - the 20-mark essay on Doctor Who as a franchise.
For question 2, you can have a brief introduction and it may include the answer to question. In the rest of the paragraphs, then you can go into detail. In the first paragraph :
 Industries: BBC
- licence fee - £156.00
- public service broadcast
- inform, educate and entertain
- remit- Ofcom
- appeals to all audiences
- merchandise ''whoniverse''

6) What topics do you need to revise for future Paper 2 exams? List at least three topics, theories or CSPs.
Industries and audience for both Class and Doctor who 
Media terminology


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