Denotation and Connotation

In this advert, I can notice a 9 - 10 years old. He looks like he is in an uncomfortable state. He is standing by a building and that building looks it has been built by mud and straw.

The facial expression on the boy's face is serious and dull. According to the advert, the boy's clothes look unhygienic. From boy's skin colour I can infer that he lives in Africa. However, many people would think that this boy is from Africa because people have seen other adverts about the conditions of the people in Africa. As people see this advert, people will feel sympathetic for the boy's condition and may donate money to help them in some way. In addition this advert use very dull colours, which suggests he is sorrowful. In the top left hand corner of this advert is a logo. This clearly shows that this advert is for the charity Water Aid. This will influence people to donate money or help in some way as many people know Water Aid is a well - known Charity.


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