Reception Theory

1) What is the preferred reading of a media text?
 preferred reading is a message or ideology/belief the producers want you to go away with.

2) What is the oppositional reading of a media text?
 oppositonal reading is when the consumer takes away on opposite message a ideology/belief than the producers want you to go away with.

3) How does the Harry Brown trailer position the audience to respond to the teenage characters in the film?
The preferred reading for the Harry Brown trailer is that young people are violent and aggressive.
4)Why might young people reject this reading and construct an oppositional reading of the trailer?
The oppositional reading for the Harry Brown trailer is that young people are good in reality but from this trailer it shows a bad influence to teenagers and the teenagers will disagree highly.

McDonald's Advert
5)In the advert, the preferred reading is that people will have the urge to buy the burger or a other food in McDonald's as at the bottom of the advert there are statements suggesting of how tasty the food is. To the audience, as they read the statement it will make them some mouth water. Another preferred reading is that a lot of teenagers and children will be attracted to this type of food as many children like to eat junk food. 

However, there are oppositional readings too. An oppositional reading is that many older people are on diets and if they see this poster the person will think that the restaurant is a bad influence and a bad image to young children as children need to be healthy. Another oppositional reading is that it may damage people's health and may become too fat. Many people will not like to be fat as many people's aim is to become beautiful and skinny. This corresponds to many people especially people who want to be super models.

From the poster, the negotiating reading is that many people buy the food, however they know it will be bad for their health if they get addicted to it.

My Advert

6) The preferred reading for this is that as famous sports players are there it will influence teenagers and younger children to encourage themselves to become like them. As the sports players are in the  adidas brand advert poster the teenagers and younger children will have the enthusiasm and courage to play in the sports brands as their trying to follow their role model's footsteps. As children will want to go in their role model's footsteps, playing in the sports brand to the teenagers and younger children will make them proud and in their mindset they may think of it as a souvenir.

However, the oppositional reading is that this is aimed at boys and men and not women girls. Many girls will have a male role model and would try to become like them in the future is well. But the females will not like that and think it will be rude and this is not being equal to woman. This will not give the opportunity for woman to try new sports. Even the slogan right under need the logo of the brand shows that it is highly aimed at men and not woman.

From this advert poster, the negotiating reading is that no matter if it is girls or boys or men or women,, everyone will have the opportunity to play sports. For example, football is not just a sport for boys. Girls can have the opportunity to play that sports too.


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