Introduction to Science-fiction TV drama

 1) How does Class meet the conventions of a TV drama series?

Stereotypical Characters -In my opinion, the teens are shown as geeks as by their facial expressions are indicating them being focused on the current situation.

Dramatic narrative-  the alien invasion makes is more sci-fi as it brings the audience into the dystonian world. This is indicating it is making the audience feel like they are there.

2) What conventions of the science-fiction genre can you find in the Class trailer? List as many as you can and use NCIS to help you.

-The narrative of class is that they are going through pandemic of an alien invasion. at one point in the trailer, it shows a shot of the world emphasises the science - fiction within the movie. Also they use realistic weapons it makes the story line more mysterious as the trailer leaves off at a cliff hanger.
3) What other genres are suggested by the trailer (e.g. horror)? Is Class an example of a modern hybrid-genre show?
Another genre in the trailer is high school/teen drama. This suggesting that High school are the main characters or somewhat involved.

4) Class is a spin-off from Doctor Who. At what point does the character of the Doctor appear in the trailer?
The Doctor Who character appear in the trailer at the end scene/shot, apart form the title shot.
5) Who do you think the target audience for Class is? Is this a typical target audience for the science-fiction genre? 

The target audience is for teenagers.


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